WEEK ONE Purpose and Prospects

Milly Turner
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
3 min readMay 14, 2021




What on earth do I want to do for capstone? After a week of deep dives and reflections, I’m still not entirely sure where to start. Truthfully, I feel like I’ve been unable to make much progress due to outside stressors this week. I’ve tried to focus on the bigger picture while I’m still trying to decompress and regain enough mental energy to really focus.

What excites me about capstone?

I really enjoy thorough projects. I’ve discovered in the past year or so, after developing Code Collective particularly, that I am really interested in the strategy and research side of things. While making is my passion, research really informs my creative process and I am excited to start gathering and digging into whichever topic I choose.

What scares me about capstone?

I have a lot of hobbies and interests, but I feel like I don’t have many true passions. No “thing” in particular feels right for me to completely focus on. I know that I will not be happy with myself if I choose something more surface level, but at the same time, I want to have FUN. There needs to be a balance between solving an actual problem, and not being so heavy that I manage to weigh myself down in the process.

What do I even enjoy doing?

Projects that I enjoy most are almost always UX focused. I love the idea of design facilitating interaction and I am inspired by the constant influx of new tech that we are experiencing in the 21st century. Us Gen Z cusp-ers have lived through dial up internet, brick-like nokia phones, motorolla razor charms, and as we grew up, so did tech. Interfaces are everywhere now. They’re part of our everyday routine. I get bored easily, but I feel consistently challenged by interface design.

I also enjoy print design (sometimes). Print design where I can be as creative as possible and really push boundaries is something I love. I think growing up as an “art kid” and then transitioning to become a “designer” in my adult life, there’s a part of me that still really enjoys working with minimal parameters. Want to use 300 pt type? Go ahead. Want to manipulate this photo until it’s unrecognizable? Go ahead! As much as I enjoy interaction design, sometimes it’s nice to take a breather and focus less on usability and more on overall impression and aesthetic appeal.


What’s next?

This weekend I plan to start analyzing my journal and really identify some key interests that I have and things that excite me. While this week has been draining, I’m ready to dive in and start brainstorming.

